Audio by room type

Not available during the holidays

Microphone & speaker packages for small dinner meetings, sales presentations, pharma/CME

Private dining room

Applications: dinner meetings, pharma/CME, sales presentations

• (1 or 2) speakers on stands
• (1) wired or wireless microphone
• all required cabling
• interface to computer or other outside audio source
• delivery, set-up and meet & greet.

Starting at $450

Audio equipment and onsite support for seated meal banquet-style room layouts

Banquet room package

Applications: dinner meetings, galas, special events

• (4) speakers on stands
• (2) wired or wireless microphone
• (1) 4-input mixer
• interfaces to outside audio sources (presentations, video, music, remote participants)
• all required cabling
• onsite audio technician
• delivery, set-up & strike

Starting at $1,100

Full equipment & support for classroom-style room layouts from 50-1,000+ attendees

Standard meeting room

Applications: classroom-style room layouts from 50-1,000+ attendees

• (2) speakers on stands
• (2) wired or wireless microphones
• (1) 4-input mixer
• interfaces to external audio sources (i.e. presentations, videos, music, remote participants)
• all required cabling
• delivery, set-up & strike
• on-site audio technician

Starting at $750

Sound packages for experiential events, cocktail receptions and open-layout event spaces

Open event space sound

Applications: experiential events, cocktail receptions and open-layout event spaces

• (2-8) speakers on stands
• (2) wired or wireless microphones
• interfaces to multiple audio sources (music, presentations, computer, live video)
• all required cabling & accessories
• delivery, set-up & strike
• on-site technician support

Starting at $1,200